Describe-and-Dissect: Interpreting Neurons in Vision Networks with Language Models


*indicates equal contribution.

Model: ResNet-50
Probing Data: ImageNet-Val + Broden

Random Neurons Across Layers 1 & 2 of ResNet-50 with ImageNet-Val + Broden Probing Dataset

Neuron examples:

We have color-coded the neuron descriptions by whether we believed they were accurate, somewhat correct, or vague/imprecise.

Random Neurons Across Layers 3 & 4 of ResNet-50 with ImageNet-Val + Broden Probing Dataset

Neuron examples:

We have color-coded the neuron descriptions by whether we believed they were accurate, somewhat correct, or vague/imprecise.

Model: ResNet-18
Probing Data: ImageNet-Val + Broden

Random Neurons Across Layers 1 & 2 of ResNet-18 with ImageNet-Val + Broden Probing Dataset

Neuron examples:

We have color-coded the neuron descriptions by whether we believed they were accurate, somewhat correct, or vague/imprecise.

Random Neurons Across Layers 3 & 4 of ResNet-18 with ImageNet-Val + Broden Probing Dataset

Neuron examples:

We have color-coded the neuron descriptions by whether we believed they were accurate, somewhat correct, or vague/imprecise.

Model: ResNet-50
Probing Data: CIFAR-100

Random Neurons Across Layers 1 & 2 of ResNet-50 with CIFAR-100 Probing Dataset

Neuron examples:

We have color-coded the neuron descriptions by whether we believed they were accurate, somewhat correct, or vague/imprecise.

Random Neurons Across Layers 3 & 4 of ResNet-50 with CIFAR-100 Probing Dataset

Neuron examples:

We have color-coded the neuron descriptions by whether we believed they were accurate, somewhat correct, or vague/imprecise.

Model: ViT-B/16
Probing Data: ImageNet-Val + Broden

#4 Random Neurons Across the Encoder of ViT-B/16 with ImageNet-Val + Broden Probing Dataset

Neuron examples:

We have color-coded the neuron descriptions by whether we believed they were accurate, somewhat correct, or vague/imprecise.

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